The AEA offers a variety of awards concerning public education in Arkansas.


From the recognition of those Outstanding Local Affiliates, the notable contributions of Education Service Professionals, and those Future Teachers around the state, the association provides many an opportunity to acknowledge those with an impact on public education.


AEA Teacher of the Year Award

The AEA Teacher of the Year Award recognizes, rewards, and promotes excellence in teaching and advocacy for the association.

Emma Scott – Scholarship for Future Teachers

The Emma Scott Memorial Scholarships were established in 1961 by the Arkansas Education Association to honor Emma Scott. Miss Scott was a former English teacher in Little Rock and AEA staff member who is credited with establishing Future Teachers of America programs in Arkansas.

TE Patterson – Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship

This $500 scholarship is awarded yearly to five African-American college students in Arkansas. Each year this scholarship also honors the memory of a distinguished African-American educator. The deadline for scholarship applications is March 1st. All applications must be completed with documents by the deadline. Otherwise the committee will not consider it.

TW Coggs – In-service Grant

A grant of $500 is awarded annually for the purpose of enabling a member of the Association to carry on a project, study, or research which would benefit education in some specific area. The deadline for scholarship applications is March 1.

Education Support Professional of the Year Award

The AEA Education Support Professional of the Year Award recognizes the contributions of Education Support Professionals to their schools, communities, and their profession. The award is presented to a member of the AEA who demonstrates outstanding accomplishments and reflects the contributions of ESP to public education.

Outstanding Local Association Award

The Outstanding Local Association Award recognizes local associations for achievements in one or more of the following areas: Instruction and Professional Development, Public Relations and Communications, Membership, Political Action, and Employee Rights and Responsibilities.

Local Newsletter Award

To enter your local association newsletter in the annual local newsletter competition, please complete and return this form, along with at least two copies of your local association newsletter produced during the school year. Newsletters must be submitted in hardcopy or as PDF files.

Outstanding Citizen Award

The Outstanding Citizen Award is designed to recognize an individual – not employed by a public school – who has made a significant contribution to public education, during the previous calendar year, and as exemplified by one or a combination of the following:

  • Improving student achievement or curriculum
  • Contributing to the advancement of the profession
  • Promoting public education and/or school safety

School Bell Award

 To promote excellence in reporting of public education news and/or local association news and to recognize those who have contributed to the improvement of public education through outstanding news coverage and interpretation, the Arkansas Education Association announces the annual Arkansas School Bell Awards program.

Friend of Education Award

The Friend of Education Award is designed to honor a person who has made a significant contribution to the improvement of public education in Arkansas.

Member Civic Award

The AEA Member Civic Award shall be given to an AEA member for significant contributions to their community (active member, student member, or retired member). This is not an annual award.

Human and Civil Rights Awards

Educator Award and Citizen’s Award

Awards are to be presented to an educator and a lay person for leadership in the area of human and civil rights. To be eligible for this award, one or more of the following criteria must be met:

  • Made a notable contribution for the eradication of racial and professional inequities in the education profession.
  • Worked to bring about improved interracial and intergroup relations and understandings.
  • Been identified and recognized by his/her profession and/or community for an outstanding civic or educational contribution or achievement.

Special Achievement Award

This award is presented to an individual, local association, or other organization to recognize a singular achievement — past or current — in promoting human and civil rights. This award is open to both educators and non-educators. The criteria are the same as those listed above.