We consistently strive to increase benefits and make salaries more competitive for education professionals. We work with our friends in elected positions to ensure that members have regular planning time, duty-free lunchtime and adequate workplace resources.
We sponsor training, meetings and workshops that help educators to stay abreast of teaching trends and support professional camaraderie, including AEA's PRAXIS preparation training and assistance programs, and the annual Professional Development Conference. In addition, NEA's programs include KEYS, NEA Learning Labs, and the Mentoring Initiative.
AEA pursues an active role when the Arkansas legislature is in session, fighting for the best possible conditions for Arkansas students and members. You benefit from our legislative influence and constant, professional involvement on state and local levels, as well as advocacy. We also provide expert legal representation and a $3 million personal liability policy that protects members against the unlikely and unfortunate possibilities of lawsuits.
The right to vote, and to persuade others to vote in accordance with common principles and values, is a fundamental tenet of American democracy. The AEA/NEA Government Relations program helps the Association, local affiliates and individual members become active in the political arena. By recruiting pro-public education candidates, recommending and helping pro-public education candidates to win elections and lobbying public officials, we influence the decisions made by elected and appointed officials and help our students realize a better tomorrow. By becoming politically active, we help shape our own future. Our salaries and health insurance benefits, retirement, working conditions and our students' learning conditions are determined by people who are either elected or appointed to public office.Read more... Show less